You’ll love this list of flowers that start with H. They will all add beauty to your flower garden

If you have ever wondered which flowers start with the letter H, we have compiled an extensive list for you here today. There is a large assortment of flora that begin with the letter “H”, but we will specifically talk about the most popular and beautiful flowers that fit within this category.
Keep reading to find out more about this topic and learn about some amazing flowers that you can plant in your garden!
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Top-List of Flowers That Start With H
Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus is one of the most popular flowers that begin with the letter “H”. These are perfect for landscaping and enhancing your home’s natural beauty!
They come in a range of bright colors and grow very large flower blooms that give off a sweet scent. You can even find them in teas and other types of specialty drinks, as this flower has a nice taste.
To grow the tropical Hibiscus, place them in warmer climates around 60 to 90 degrees with plenty of sunshine and moist soil. You shouldn’t have a hard time growing Hibiscus as long as you provide them with the right conditions.

Honeysuckle is another popular flower starting with “H”.
They grow in large shrubs and are found in North America and Eurasia with over 180 different species. The Honeysuckle plant prefers mild weather conditions and is quite easy to cultivate, but you want to keep a few things in mind before planting this flower.
Honeysuckle contains long flower tubes that are full of nectar, that attracts butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and other bugs. Great for helping beneficial insects grace your garden.
Honeysuckle also produces sweet fruits which can attract animals. The look and scent of this plant are attractive.

The Hydrangea is native to the Asian continent but has spread out across the world in over 70 different species.
Hydrangeas are known for their vivid colors and flower-packed blooms that really make a statement. Usually found in pink, blue, purple, and white the Hydrangea is great for bouquets.
These flowers grow on a shrub, in a rounded shape that is similar to a snowball and is full of flora. Hydrangea does need careful cultivation though and plenty of water. Provide them with shade and rich soil to get them to grow to their full potential.

Hollyhock is a delicate cottage flower that grows on a strong stalk.
This plant can reach heights of up to 12 feet and these flowers bloom upward into a lovely arrangement that looks tower-like.
Hollyhock is found in all kinds of colors and can be grown as perennials, biennials, and even annual plants. It just depends on which variety of Hollyhock you choose to grow.
Typically, this flower comes in a saucer or bell-like shape and has all sorts of hues to choose from. Hollyhock even has medicinal uses and can be put in salads to make them look more unique.

Helenium, also known as sneezeweed, is a bright flower that comes from the Americas.
This flower has a similar color to daisies and blooms during the late summer and fall seasons.
Helenium loves the sunlight and produces brilliant yellow petals when watered well and placed in nutritious soil. You can also find this flower in shades of orange and red.
These flowers are not large and they won’t grow over 5 feet, but they are beautiful like their namesake Helen of Troy. Definitely try growing these if you like flowers with sunny colors and a simple but classic look.

The next flower on this list is commonly referred to as the Christmas Rose. Hellebore, which grows late in winter and during the early spring, has a stunning single bloom that looks similar to rose petals.
It grows in slightly cold regions but can stay blooming in warmer temperatures. This plant can also be found in some special colors including black.
If you do end up planting this flower, though, be careful. Hellebore can be toxic to pets and even humans so make sure no one eats this flower.

Hosta flowers come from large Hosta plants.
These flowers are on the smaller side and will only grow 1 to 3 inches. However, the stems that hold these flowers grow out long like arms and hold many Hosta blooms.
Different varieties of Hosta will grow in different lengths and colors. But these are ideal flowers to plant in your garden.
Not only are they extremely hardy to different weather and temperature conditions, but they also require minimal amounts of care. In other words, if you are new to gardening, this can be a great plant!

Gardeners looking for a truly eye-popping flowers that start with H should consider planting this next flower. The Hyacinth is well known and loved by flower enthusiasts for its smell and beautiful look.
The lavender, pink, and white blooms of the Hyacinth are clustered together in a large almost tubular shape. New colors have also been bred in recent years, which include peach, red, and blue.
Overall, these are highly aesthetic flowers that can enhance any garden space! These are one of my all time favorite flowers that tell me that spring has arrived! Plant these bulbs in fall for beautiful blooms in early spring.

The tropical Heliconia prefers warmer climates and can be grown in zones 10 to 13. This plant is best used for landscaping around your home and sprouts striking red and green foliage.
The flower blooms of this plant can be a little odd depending on what variety you get.
Some of these flowers are shaped almost like lobster claws, while others can be mistaken for brightly colored birds. In terms of growing them, a little more expertise and patience are needed. Water and proper spacing are a must for Heliconia.

If you are looking for a houseplant, the Hoya plant thrives in indoor settings.
This flower can be grown outside in pots successfully but should be kept in warm climates between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
Hoya isn’t your typical flower, they are known as wax flowers and have thick detailed blooms that look just like stars.
The Hoya has an outer star-like bloom and a smaller star petal in the center. Typically, these plants can be found in white and red but other hues are available and clustered together, the star pattern of this plant is similar to an umbrella or a parachute.

Hypoxis, also known as star grass, has over 90 different species.
This flower is easily recognized by its star-like shape and bright yellow tones. It typically has six to eight petals and blooms in summer or spring.
The Hypoxis does stand out, but this is a small plant that can be easily overlooked due to its size. At 3 to 8 inches, this flower looks nice in the grass and spread out in flower beds.
It can also act as a border for your garden which keeps out other types of unwanted flowers and plant species.

Hypericum is a tropical flower that has over 500 species to choose from. The most popular version of the Hypericum is Saint-John’s-Worts which has yellow flowers with five large petals.
The middle of this flora contains an abundance of stamens that burst upwards and create the characteristic look of Hypericum.
When cultivating this plant, it’s best to grow these flowers in partial shade with moist or dry soil. Start placing seeds down in early spring this way they bloom during summer.

Hyssopus flowers grow in shrubs and are known for their fantastic smell and medicinal properties.
This plant has a long history and has been used by various cultures for centuries. You can also find Hyssopus in food dishes, alcoholic drinks, and essential oils and tonics.
Related to the mint family of plants, Hyssopus grows around 1 to 2 feet and produces flowers that are usually, white, pink, or blue. It grows best in warmer climates with a lot of sunlight and is drought-resistant.

Hippeastrum is another tropical plant that has large flower blooms.
Its Lilly-like shape makes it popular in floral shops and perfect for your next bouquet. And with its bright red color, Hippeastrum is ideal for the holiday season, as you can grow this plant indoors once the weather starts to cool. It does come in other colors, although red is very common.
Hippeastrum does best in warmer climates though, and you should be extra careful cultivating these plants as they require very specific conditions to bloom. You might also know this flower as amaryllis.
Heavenly Bamboo

Heavenly bamboo is actually an evergreen shrub. In fall, the green leaves on this shrub turn bright red. It produces cream-colored flowers and after that red berries.
This shrub grows best in hardiness zone 6 through 9 and it needs full to partial sun to thrive.

Heliotrope is a popular cottage garden plant that has scented flowers. This perennial plant does well in full sun and in zones 9 through 11.
It blooms in summer and fall in shades of purple, blue, and white.

Hepatica is a herbaceous perennial that originated in Europe.
This wildflower blooms in early spring with mostly blue flowers, although you can also find varieties with pink or white flowers. Hepatica is a good choice for shady, woodland areas.

While heather grows throughout Europe as well as in western Asia, it is well known for growing in Scotland.
It has had many different uses in Scotland from adding into meads and ales, steeped for tea as well as being used as thatching and broom making.
Heather comes in a wide variety of colors, in various shades of pinks, purples, reds as well as white. Depending on the variety you have, these beautiful flowers can bloom from July until late fall.
Heather is sometimes cultivated to be cut flowers to use in flower arrangements. These perennial flowers need good draining soil and to be in full sun. They grow best in hardiness zones 4 through 6.

You might know hemerocallis better by it’s common name, the daylily.
They like morning sun and at least 6 hours of sun per day. If these plants get the right conditions, they will reward you with beautiful, showy flowers. If you are a new or beginner gardener, these flowers are a great one to start with, since they are so easy to grow.
You can find daylilies in a wide range of colors. From creamy white, golds, yellows, oranges, reds, and more.

Hebe flowers are very unique with many lovely flowers on spikes. It is a shrub with blooms of white, pink or purple flowers from summer through fall.
These shrubs grow well in partial to full sun and do well in zones 7 through 11.

The last flower we will be talking about is Honesty.
Honesty, also known as Lunaria Annua, has purple flowers with four petals. When they first grow, and their seeds are still sprouting, this plant looks remarkably similar to coins. This is where it gets the nickname money plant.
Honesty is easy to care for but requires a lot of patience. This is an annual plant that takes up to a year to fully bloom. Keep the soil for Honesty moist and give them partial sunlight while you wait for their flowers to show up.
Did we forget your favorite flower that starts with h? If so, let us know what it is in the comments below.
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